Monday 1 April 2013

Parents Talk To Your Kids...


Most parents like to believe that there is a strong bond of communication between their child and themselves; and most parents do have this. But as with much of the communication between people who are close, we can become less focused, too busy, or we get used to having those we love around and sometimes forget the importance of that deeper level communication.

It might be time to stop and think truthfully about how things are.

Parent/child communication is wrought with twists and turns; there are the different roles we play, age differences, and how you as a parent are perceived by your child. Are you the boss, the authority figure, a friend, or someone else to your child?

Knowing HOW to communicate with your child or teen is as important as WHY you need to communicate. If you suspect that your child is the target of a bully at school then you both need to talk…You need to be able to ask how they are going…if you think they might need help with bullying or any other issue. Your child needs to be able to talk to you about what is happening and know you will 1) listen and 2) help them with what is happening.

If you think they need help, your goal is to have you and your child talking about the same thing, developing a plan of action, and then monitoring the plan. To do this it all starts with actually being able to talk…

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